Disconnect to connect!!!
I just saw an ad that packed a massive punch - Disconnect to connect. & its in THAI or something!! That straightaway makes it a great ad. Please watch it & tell me it doesnt speak to you: http://www.wimp.com/disconnectconnect/ I really have nothing against social media. Honest. I don't! The only bone I have to pick with those who need to be plugged into 1 form of it or another at ALL times, is this - life is happening all around you NOW. You're so busy living in the virtual world with your virtual friends, that you are losing out on the REAL WORLD and the flesh & blood people around you!!! How can you truly enjoy an amazing sunset, if half the time your mind is focussed on taking a picture of it, then broadcasting/tweeting/uplaoding it??? by the time you're done with all of that, night has fallen & the moment has melted into the darkness..... As those oh so wise philosphers Steven Tyler & Eminem wrote: just "sing for the years, sing for the laughter...