
Showing posts from May, 2010

Every day, in every way, I get wiser and wiser!

Seems like I posted my thoughts on turning 38 just a few days ago - could be because it really HAS just been a few days since I did, despite writing it a year ago! Anyway, the 'year hand' has moved another notch and 39 is here. I'm surrounded by young guns who are so chock full of new technologies and new gadgets & new ... well basically everything about them is new! Which leads one to reflect on what exactly it is that we of the more 'mature' cadres have over them? What do all these years of having 'been there & done that' actually add up to in a world which is increasingly becoming 'heard of that, wanna do that', to us? On the face of it, not much. Roles appear to be reversed a tad, when they are the ones introducing you to stuff, explaining and convincing. But hang on just a bit longer, and you find, that no matter what the shiny new veneer of the moment is, underneath lurk all the same age-old concerns and issues. Yes, they of the 'be...